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Up and At 'Em

I woke up at 4:10 this morning thanks to a small bladder and I have been awake ever since.  My mind was wondering thinking about all of my “big plans” in life and I was annoyed with myself that I could not fall back to sleep knowing that I had to be up and at ‘em by 6:30 on my day off.  Then I faintly heard Gabby scream, not cry….faintly?  I have a baby monitor in my room so I should have heard her screeches clearly, but apparently managed to turn it off somehow for the one time Gabby woke up shrieking in the middle of the night.  When I entered her room I was guessing her diaper leaked and that was why she was upset.  I picked her up and consoled her for a moment and realized her diaper was contained so that wasn’t the reason for the shrieking.  So while looking around her room (and changing her diaper) she started whining “get get” which is what she calls her blanket.  I saw the blanket I covered her with laying outside the crib.  She is very attached to her “get get” but didn’t get to go to sleep with it last night because it was dirty.  She is adaptive and was fine with going to sleep with another blanket because it was satin like her “get get” on the underside, but it is a blanket from infancy so it was too small to cover her ever growing long body.  Before I went to sleep I covered her with a longer fleece Texans blanket to keep her warm until morning.  Bad idea! Nothing gets by my baby! Luckily she went back to sleep easily and slept until 7:30 which is late for her. 

You may think that I hate when Gabby wakes me up in the middle of the night, but I actually have the complete opposite reaction (not that I want to wake up), I think I am so glad that she usually sleeps through the night.  Those nights when she wakes up reminds me of the first year and never getting more than 4 hours of consistent sleep, which for me is a huge deal.  If you know me you know I need 9 hours of consistent sleep to feel well rested.  I am hoping for a fun day. I am watching a friend’s baby so it’s all up to him and Gabby.  It’s amazing how much control these little ones have over my day even though they don’t realize it. 


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