The nickname "Stinkerbell" has been one of Gabby's top 5 and slowly continues to rise on her chart of nicknames the older she gets. Stinkerbell is the perfect depiction of Gabby lately. She recently turned 16 months, but I think she believes she is 2 years old...because the terrible two's have begun! Look out Mommy and Daddy, defiance and behavior issues galore are now our new usual.
Gabby is constantly testing her boundaries. Here is a snapshot of her recent behavior: she flips her bowl of food on the ground 2 to 3 times a day, throws herself on the ground crying when she doesn't get her way or pinches, scratches, and slaps you, when you tell her to stop doing something she will definitely continue to do it (and likely more often). When you try to discipline her saying no sternly, popping her hand, or putting her in the corner for timeout she simply laughs hysterically. This may sound terrible, but it's actually quite hilarious and difficult to stay serious and make sure Gabby follows through with appropriate behavior. Two weeks of this and I felt like there was no way she would ever listen, but in the last few days she has been an angel. We've had so much fun playing, laughing, and getting lots of kisses. Hopefully we are out of this phase (for a little while at least). All I know is I love my Stinkerbell, she makes life so fun!