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15 Month Checkup

Gabby had her 15 month doctor visit this week.  About the day before we went to the appointment I realized that Gabby had to get shots, AGAIN!  The power flickered on and off and then finally stayed off while we waited the hour in one of the doctor's rooms, while Gabby read a book, pointed to all of the pictures of the animals on the wall, had her diaper changed, played with the paper on the examination table, pointed to every doctor item in the room, imitated the monkey sound while pointed to the stuffed animal hanging from a pretend by from the ceiling, ate some snacks, got bored eating snacks, started throwing snacks, sang songs with hand motions, and began to whine from boredom!  All I could think about during the typical hour wait was, poor baby being tortured waiting to be tortured!  Surprisingly when the doctor walked in Gabby smiled at him (typically she screams from the moment her eyes meet his) but then he touched her and she proved there is nothing wrong with her lungs.  Once he finished poking and prodding her I was allowed to pick her up and she stopped the wailing.  Then he stood up ready to leave and I retrieved my invisible list from my head and began asking my thousand questions which he tolerated and half heartily answered. Finally, I was finished with my questions and waited for the dreaded "let me go get the nurse" line; instead, he said, let me go see if we can give you the shots, because the power is out. Ahh!! A Reprieve! No shots for my baby girl today.  The doctor told me to come by another day or if not it was a simple booster shot that could be given at her 18 month appointment.  Does that mean more shots than expected eek?!!  For now Gabby and I are basking in the fact that we followed the rules (because I am very much a rule follower according to Michael) and got away with no shots...for today any way!


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