"All it took was a pizza Lunchable!" Those were the first words Gabby excitedly told Mommy and Daddy when she got off of the bus after school today while proudly showing us her tooth necklace. Gabby finally lost her first tooth today! She has been waiting for about two years for this day. Her adult teeth were actually already halfway through and she was supposed to go to the dentist for help with her teeth. She is so excited for the tooth fairy to come tonight and take her tooth. Luckily Grandma made her a Tooth Fairy pillow years ago that has been patiently hanging on her closet door handle waiting for the day it would be needed. I only wonder what does a tooth fairy bring these days? I guess only time will tell. Hopefully the other tooth that needs to be pulled will follow suit and fall out soon as well. An added bonus to wiggly teeth in our home is that Daddy HATES seeing a tooth move or even the mention of a wiggly tooth. Gabby enjoys t...