So as requested by Gabby's Nanny, Aunt Lacey, here are some of the milestones she has mastered:
Fine motor skills:
She uses a pen to scribble artwork
She uses large crayons to make lines
She uses chalk to mark on concrete
She picks up poker chips and moves them from one slot to another
Gross motor skills:
She climbs onto furniture
She "drives" her little scotter car
She throws a ball
She kicks balloons into the air
She runs everywhere
She can crawl up stairs with ease
She is learning to go down stairs
She usually listens when told no
Speech & Language:
She has over 20 words (up, mom, dad are favorites) she just started saying PopPop for papa
When you ask her how old she is she holds up 1 fingers, says, "dis" and then claps for herself
Gabby uses her singing voice when she likes a song
She claps for herself and requires everyone in the room to reciprocate
When she wants to be held or wants out of her high chair she says "up" and raises her little hands
When she sees something cooking on the stove or steaming she says "hot"
If her food is hot she will blow on each bite before eating it
She follows instructions such as, "give me a kiss" or "bring Daddy your sock"
If you stick your tongue out at Gabby she will laugh and do it back
My favorite of her skills:
When I ask her to give me a kiss she purses her lips, leans in and says "mmmm ahhh!"
When I am busy and can't hold her she will run up, hug my legs, give a quick kiss and run off
The first thing she does in the morning is pick up her doll, hold it sweetly and gives it a minimum of 6 kisses
She can now use a spoon and get a decent amount of food on it and then she tries to feed it to Mommy
She does the motions to Pat-a-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider
She always shares her snacks with Ranger
When she sees kids she excitedly waves and says "hi"
She takes the lid off and then puts it on her container of tennis balls
When we get her dressed for bed she always helps put her arms through and then wiggles her little fingers when they are all visible again
She closes doors (usually shutting you on the opposite side) and then she knocks and gleefully laughs when you opens the door
She tries to put her shoes on
Fine motor skills:
She uses a pen to scribble artwork
She uses large crayons to make lines
She uses chalk to mark on concrete
She picks up poker chips and moves them from one slot to another
Gross motor skills:
She climbs onto furniture
She "drives" her little scotter car
She throws a ball
She kicks balloons into the air
She runs everywhere
She can crawl up stairs with ease
She is learning to go down stairs
She usually listens when told no
Speech & Language:
She has over 20 words (up, mom, dad are favorites) she just started saying PopPop for papa
When you ask her how old she is she holds up 1 fingers, says, "dis" and then claps for herself
Gabby uses her singing voice when she likes a song
She claps for herself and requires everyone in the room to reciprocate
When she wants to be held or wants out of her high chair she says "up" and raises her little hands
When she sees something cooking on the stove or steaming she says "hot"
If her food is hot she will blow on each bite before eating it
She follows instructions such as, "give me a kiss" or "bring Daddy your sock"
If you stick your tongue out at Gabby she will laugh and do it back
My favorite of her skills:
When I ask her to give me a kiss she purses her lips, leans in and says "mmmm ahhh!"
When I am busy and can't hold her she will run up, hug my legs, give a quick kiss and run off
The first thing she does in the morning is pick up her doll, hold it sweetly and gives it a minimum of 6 kisses
She can now use a spoon and get a decent amount of food on it and then she tries to feed it to Mommy
She does the motions to Pat-a-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider
She always shares her snacks with Ranger
When she sees kids she excitedly waves and says "hi"
She takes the lid off and then puts it on her container of tennis balls
When we get her dressed for bed she always helps put her arms through and then wiggles her little fingers when they are all visible again
She closes doors (usually shutting you on the opposite side) and then she knocks and gleefully laughs when you opens the door
She tries to put her shoes on