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Good Friday, Great Weekend

Friday we enjoyed a feast of crabs, Gabby even seemed to enjoy a few tiny bites of it; however, I believe she was more interested in the crabs ALIVE! She reached for one and thought it was hilarious how the crab raised it's claws when she reached for it.  Gabby enjoyed being the center of attention on Good Friday while the family sat around outside and watched Gabby play with Jade and bubbles.  Jade is about 10 years old and Gabby treats her like an adult, which just cracks me up.  She whines and pulls herself up Jade's legs insisting Jade hold her (when Gabby probably weighs half of what Jade weighs!). I think something special happened on this Good Friday, I think a true bond was formed between Gabby and Jade, it was fun to watch it grow. 

Saturday we enjoyed buckets and buckets of crayfish while Gabby played with her cousins beginning to learn the skill of sharing, then Michael got sick and we quickly went home.

Easter Sunday was a nice small(ish) event.  We all arrived at Grandma and Papa's house around 11:00 and enjoyed a delicious BBQ feast.  Then there was pocking eggs, a party for Carly who turned two, and an Easter egg hunt (which Gabby had no interest in once she had one egg for each hand).  It was a memorable day that makes me look forward to the future holidays when Gabby can begin to grasp the importance and fun of these holidays.



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