Mike and I call her monster when she is wrestling to wake up or when she is beginning to get hungry. We say things to each other like "uh oh I think the monster is waking up." Of course we don't really think she is a monster, it's just there is typically a wail that occurs when she wakes up, especially if she is hungry!
I also call her bugaboo ( I don't know why or where it comes from) and bugers (Mark used to call Catie that and for some reason I picked it up even though it's awful). Pretty much since she was born I have called her Honey Buns because she is so sweet! And I also call her my little angel.
Lacey calls her Gabster and Gabs, which apparently is catching on because my friend Chelsea even calls her Gabster. I don't know where the nickname came from, but it reminds me of a gangster for some reason.
So to recap....in only four months she has acquired the following nicknames (more nicknames than months she's been alive:
- Monster
- Bugaboo
- Bugers
- Honey Buns
- Gabster
- Gabs