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SLEEP is for the WEAK

This onsie is appropriate! For the last week Gabby has woken up every two hours at night, which exhausts me!  Then she was fussy each day, but I couldn't figure out why, my guess was a tummy ache?  Waking up so often caused me to be tired all day because for some reason I am unable to nap during the day. Finally we figured out that she was simply hungry! I am breastfeeding so it's hard to know how much she is drinking, but I supplemented with an ounce of stored milk (after Mike astutely observed her sucking on her hand) and voila she was a content baby again! 

Another thing that was frustrating was Gabby wakes up every time I put her in her bassinet. I can wait 30 minutes or an hour of holding her after she falls asleep before placing her in it and without a doubt she will wake up every time I lay her in the bassinet. I could lay her other places and she sleeps but not her bassinet.  This is obviously very frustrating and causes me to stay awake for two hours during most feedings in the middle of the night.  Finally, I voiced this frustration to Michael two nights ago and he suggested we try the bassinet our friend loaned us.  Amazingly she fell straight to sleep when placed in her new bed.  Then, last night (her second night in the new bassinet with the new positioner) she slept through the night!!! She fell asleep at 9:30 and did not wake up until 6:00!!! I did not sleep well from 2:00 until 5:00 when I finally gave up on sleep because I had to keep checking her breathing and make sure she was okay.  I am not sure if this was a fluke occurrence, but I am so excited at the possibility of her sleeping through the night before I have to return to work.  I think most of the credit can go to my dear problem solving husband.  Thanks for helping your wife stay sane by figuring out ways to help our baby sleep through the night (and he thinks he doesn't know what to do with babies).


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