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Showing posts from July, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine! (Before the sun is up)

This morning at 4:30 I woke up because I heard a noise and thought the power went off.  At 4:45 I realized it was my little girl I was hearing not anything else.  Since she was starting to fuss I walked in the room to give her her pacifier to hold her off for another hour before breakfast; however, when I walked into her room and peek in the crib Gabby gets a huge smile across her face and flaps her arms and glees in excitement.  Obviously we are not going back to sleep.  So I scoop her up and carry her into our room.  I precede to feed her (thinking she will go to sleep as soon as her tummy is full) and her eye lids get heavy.  I sigh with relief and figure I can probably sneak in a 45 minute nap before the alarm goes off at 6:00, but yet again Gabby realizes Mommy is falling to sleep and starts kicking me and talking to me.  We go into the guest bedroom as to not wake up Daddy and we lay down in the dark.  I kept my eyes closed, but never went...

Nicknames (Besides Gabby)

Gabby has acquired quite a few nicknames from various people over the last 4 months (not to mention the ones from before she was born).  I thought I would give you all a laugh by telling you the nicknames, because none of them make any sense! Mike and I call her monster when she is wrestling to wake up or when she is beginning to get hungry.  We say things to each other like "uh oh I think the monster is waking up." Of course we don't really think she is a monster, it's just there is typically a wail that occurs when she wakes up, especially if she is hungry! I also call her bugaboo ( I don't know why or where it comes from) and bugers (Mark used to call Catie that and for some reason I picked it up even though it's awful).  Pretty much since she was born I have called her Honey Buns because she is so sweet! And I also call her my little angel. Lacey calls her Gabster and Gabs, which apparently is catching on because my friend Chelsea even calls ...

4 Month Birthday!

Gabby is officially 4 months old! Wow, how the time passes.  It has been over a year since I took Michael to Freebirds and told him about our future little bundle of joy.  Now I can't even imagine life without her and it's only been a year since our adventure began.  She is now able to: Roll over both ways Squeal Grab objects Switch hands with objects (which is apparently advanced for her age) Hold her head up very well Localize sounds Smile Coo (agoo, agee, wmawma), razz, and squeal with delight Laugh Smile Kick her monkey Shake toys to make their music turn on Sleep in her own bed Push herself up when on her tummy Look up and follow small objects from side to side According to her four month old appointment she is 13 pounds, 11 ounces and 22 inches long; meaning she has grown 2 inches and gained over 5 pounds! That is more than she will ever grow again in her life. Think about that percentage wise, it's amazing how different she looks and the wonde...

Molly, Meet Gabby

Gabby took her second trip to Dallas last weekend.  We were very excited about this special trip because it would be the first time Gabby met her cousins and Aunt Danielle from Japan.  Once we arrived we walked in the house and were greeted by 3 squealing little girls and one adorable baby girl, Molly.  As I go to ooh and ahh over the little one and receive hugs from all of my other sweet nieces, to our astonishment, Uncle Mark appeared out of no where!  Uncle Mark was supposed to be in Iraq, but when he arrived they requested he return home.  He took two weeks of leave and flew half way across the world to visit his family.  What a great surprise!  I was holding Gabby and began introducing her to Molly.  Instantly they held hands! It was adorable, I only wish I could have taken a picture of them holding hands.  Such little babies reaching out to each other, it shows how some people naturally "connect" to one another. The girls...

Independence Day

 American flag, check!, hand made 4th of July outfit, check! family and friends, check!, fireworks, check!  Gabby had a big day yesterday.  There were at least 20 people here to celebrate Independence Day!  We had crawfish, although only half of them were alive (before we cooked them).  Family and friends gathered together and Miss Social, AKA Gabby, was the center of attention and kept everyone entertained.  She met Uncle Patrick's parents for the first time yesterday and Ken and Cherlene.  It truly amazes me how one baby can make so many people people smile. Gabby hung out in the house most of the day, she ate during the fireworks, so she missed them, but enjoyed her dinner with baby Alex.  Gabby had a busy day and didn't go to sleep until very late, but it was wonderful getting to visit with such wonderful family and friends.

Growth Spurt

Today I was lucky and didn't have to go to work until 1:30.  I enjoyed stealing extra moments with my baby girl.  Whenever I went to pick her up from Grandma's after work I was amazed! I swear she grew up while I was at work for 5 hours. I know they say that babies grow fast, but really?? How is it possible that I left my little girl and by the time I arrived to pick her up she was a big girl? I think she gained a pound and grew two inches while I was gone. I am surprised she wasn't like the Hulk and burst out of her clothing because she is so much bigger.  She also developed a "real baby cry" it's loud, strong, and determined to make a point and you better figure out its meaning fast or it increases in loudness and intensity!  Another way she improved her development over the weekend is that she now not only looks at her animals on the mobile attached to her bouncer, but she now kicks it (her monkey of course) so much that she almost slides completely out ...

Cajun Culture

On the last Tuesday of May, Gabby and I took our first trip to Louisiana.  Grandma (Montie) and Great Aunt Ellen rode with us and it was a great trip! Grandma sat in the back seat with Gabby and she did great as long as Grandma gave her a lot of attention.  We didn't even have to stop one time!  In our 30 hours in Louisiana we were very busy! Gabby and I spent the night at GG's house and of course were spoiled with yummy food and lots of love.  Great Aunt Christine and Grandma's friend, Miss Kathy, came to visit Gabby.  Then, the next day GG babysat for an hour and I went shopping.  Then we went to Great Aunt Mary's house and met the entire Montie clan! It took us over 2 hours to get the 30 miles to their home, and luckily they all waited so they could meet my baby girl.  It was wonderful getting to see everyone, because I haven't seen them in about 2 whole years!  Gabby was very excited to meet the whole clan (and I of course was happy to show he...