We had the most amazing and most successful day yesterday. It all started at 6:30 when I got out of bed, got dressed, made final touches on cleaning the house, and then Michael woke up. Once I was ready Gabby woke up and we fed her to make sure she had a full tummy and was happy, which of course she was. By 8:30 the photographer was here and he set up his traveling studio in my breakfast area. Gabby had a two hour photo shoot where we constantly were changing her positions and outfits (I swear she had at least 8 to 10 wardrobe changes that day). Somehow Gabby managed to smile throughout the entire process and she never complained more than a few moments even though we interrupted her nap time. Then Gabby was passed around from one family member to another, until it was time to go to the church at 1:30. She took a few "cat naps" throughout the day, but never got her beauty sleep. Once at the church, we sat down along with 19 other families....